ReplacementSteps Testimonials and Recommendation
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In 2000, my company acquired a 144 unit, 16 building multi-family apartment community through the purchase of a California developer. The property was built in 1978 and located in Wytheville, Virginia. I was assigned asset management responsibilities.

On my initial visit to the property, I discovered numerous stairwells with missing treads that had been blocked off with caution tape. The manager informed me that all the steps were failing. I have been involved in property management for 35 years and was skeptical. I was wrong. I fell through two separate unsecured staircases on that first visit.

I contacted a General Construction Co.that had developed creative solutions to construction problems for me in the past. We visited the property and discussed the long term goals for this property. The goals and considerations were:

Cash Considerations - The property had sufficient reserves to replace the existing treads, but if they failed again in the same time frame, no funds would be available for another replacement.

Hold Period - We planned to own the property for at least 20 years.

Time Considerations - The current condition of the stairways was an extreme liability issue and demanded immediate correction.

Weather Considerations - Winter was approaching and due to the severe conditions in western Virginia, work had to proceed quickly.

Resident Considerations - The stairs on the two to three story walk-up buildings were the only means of resident access so the stair replacement had to be accomplished quickly to provide safety and convenience for our residents.

Code Considerations - The product had to meet local codes.

Safety Considerations - The product had to be slip resistant.

Loading Considerations - The treads had to withstand both foot traffic and the load of residents continually moving in and out.

Resistance to snow removal products - Due to the fact that management could not control the products that residents choose to apply to their stairways, the product had to be resistant to de-icing chemicals.

The General Contractor had researched many products for me, but they all fell short in one area or another, except for fiberglass. He designed a mold and contracted with a fiberglass design company to construct a step to be fitted between the existing stringers and meet all code requirements. He then engineered the actual step himself and had the proper testing done by a structural engineer.

The result was the most attractive exterior step I have ever seen, not to mention the strongest This product has now withstood five mountain winters and four summers and still looks as though it has only a few months wear. It is truly remarkable. I highly recommend its use on all exterior stairs in all climate conditions where it might be applicable to stair design replacements.

I have been in the Property Management Business for 35 years now and have had to replace many, many, stairs in all types of conditions. Stair replacement is one of the most costly rehab items on property assets and is never a pleasant installation. This replacement was done faster and turned out better than any I have even seen done, and the probability of the fiberglass meeting a 20 year projection
* is very high, thus making it a very profitable upgrade, as you could expect to replace the same stairs at least twice during the same time frame, plus lots of costly upkeep in between. *Replacementsteps says that the construction properties of the steps actually indicate an estimation of a 30 yr. longevity, thereby eliminating a third replacement, and garnering even more $avings.

Also, let me add that these stairs, since 2000, have not had to have one cent spent on upkeep. Once again, I highly recommend these steps as replacements.

Most sincerely, Rick Heron
Property Asset Manager
Ambling Management, Inc.

Patent Description
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George W. Zuurbier, PE, GWG Engineering, Wytheville, Va. ..."The principle reason for this much greater strength than other stair systems is that the riser on this stair is integral with the tread, and greatly multiplies the strength and stiffness of the unit. As far as I was able to find, other stairs do not have the riser integral with the tread...It is my professional opinion, based on reasonable engineering judgment and the foregoing findings, that this stair system equals or exceeds the expected performance of commercially available units...In view of the exceedingly high factor of safety, there does not appear to be any need for modification, supplemental support, or other changes to the unit as presented."
Parkridge Apartment Homes
Graham, NC 27253
ALCO Management, Inc.
March 6, 2008
Re: Parkridge Apartments
Fiberglass steps
Dear Mr. Grinstead:
I am writing this letter to tell you of the wonderful experience we are having with the fiberglass steps that you installed over a year ago at Parkridge Apartments. As you are aware, your company installed three sets of 13 steps each of the 20 year warranty fiberglass steps (Replacement Steps) on the original metal stringers at several locations throughout our property. Not only have the steps shown no signs of wear, they have enhanced the appearance and curb appeal of our buildings.
I am glad I was introduced to your steps at the SAHMA conference in Tampa, Florida several years ago. With the age of our property and the beginning of rust on many of our metal stairs, your product shows us a more 'permanent' solution to the preservation of our property. They have shown themselves to be sturdy and strong with a great appearance as well.
Tim Millisor CPM
District Property Mansger
ALCO Management